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on life in a Roman town
18 Jul
The Great Fire of Rome
- July 18/19 64AD -
‘Nero fiddled while Rome burned’ is a well-known phrase. It has a double meaning. Firstly that Nero was wholly ineffectual as a leader but he also played music and lived a decadent lifestyle...
24 Aug
The Eruption of Mount Vesuvius
- 24th August 79AD -
A story of endless fascination the world over, the eruption of Pompeii has been recreated on TV and film on numerous occasions. The towns of Pompeii and Herculaneum have become some of...
06 Jan
January: New Beginnings
January is a time of new beginnings and starts. It is perhaps worth remembering why the month is so called. All the months of our calendar come from Roman times before Christ. January itself is named after Janus the God...
25 Dec
Christmas is the day when Christians around the world celebrate the birth of Jesus, who they consider to be the Son of God. The name itself comes from the Mass of Christ which is where they remember that Jesus died for them and came back to life....
15 Mar
Power always does funny things to people. The struggle for power and democracy has thrown up extraordinary events and the 15th March 44BC is one of the best remembered.
At the age of 55 Julius Caesar was the most powerful man in the civilised world...