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This Week In History

60 second histories
Free to view Exclusive FREE video on life in a Roman town
date: 18 Jul
The Great Fire of Rome     -  July 18/19  64AD  -     ‘Nero fiddled while Rome burned’ is a well-known phrase. It has a double meaning. Firstly that Nero was wholly ineffectual as a leader but he also played music and lived a decadent lifestyle...
  • Emperors
  • Roman
  • This week in history
date: 11 Jul
11th July 1975  -  “There are 7 wonders of the world and the discovery of the Terracotta Army, we may say, is the 8th miracle of the world. No-one who has not seen the pyramids can claim to have visited Egypt, and now, I’d say that no-one who has...
  • 20th Century
  • Emperors
  • Empires
  • Sculpture
  • This week in history
date: 06 Apr
8th April 1820 Little could Alexandros of Antioch have thought around 150BC that his statue would take on propaganda value nearly 2000 years later? In 1815 the French were forced to hand back the Medici Venus, then thought of as the finest piece of ...
  • 19th Century
  • Ancient Greece
  • Classical Art
  • Emperors
  • Sculpture
date: 15 Mar
Power always does funny things to people. The struggle for power and democracy has thrown up extraordinary events and the 15th March 44BC is one of the best remembered. At the age of 55 Julius Caesar was the most powerful man in the civilised world...
  • Emperors
  • Roman
  • This week in history