This Week In History
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29 Mar
The Battle of Towton
- Palm Sunday, 29th March 1461 -
Described as one of the bloodiest, largest and longest in our history the battle of Towton was one of the many battles fought between the Lancastrians and the Yorkists in the Wars of...
22 Aug
The Battle of Bosworth
- August 22nd 1485 -
"A horse, a horse, my Kingdom for a horse.” These famous words from Shakespeare’s Richard III speak of the frustration of the King, Richard, as he saw his crown and life slipping away from him....
03 Apr
The Crowning of Edward, The Confessor - 3rd April 1042.
Vitae Ædwardi Regis, the book on the life of Edward, commissioned by his wife, describes the Anglo-Saxon King as “Of outstanding height and distinguished by his milky white hair and beard...
25 Oct
Friday 25th October 1415 - "Never in the field of human conflict has so much been owed by so many to so few.” So said Churchill about the pilots and ground crew who won the Battle of Britain in 1940 against the might of the German Luftwaffe.
24 Aug
26th August 1346 - A new type of warfare, that was to last until the nineteenth century, was unleashed by Edward III on the French in the fourteenth century – projectile warfare. Before gunfire the use of massed ranks of longbow men became a...