Eras & Topics
This video covers:
A description of a scutum and explains how it was made of wood, reinforced for strength and decorated with the...
This video covers: A look at some of the medieval beliefs and ideas that were thought to have caused the plague.
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This video covers: A description of the Black Death and the difference between the bubonic and pneumonic plague.
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This video covers: A look at some of the reasons why the Maya civilization may have disappeared
This video covers: Mary Seacole's travels and her decision to volunteer as a nurse in the Crimea.
This video covers:
A description of one of the most famous swords in history, the gladius; at over 50cm long Roman legionaries were...
This video covers: The view point of Catherine of Aragon with regard to Henry VIII and divorce
This video covers:
A description of the Christmas Truce 1914 from a soldier of the Royal Warwicks; more an opportunity for burying...
This video covers:
What happened as the pyramid grew higher. We explain how materials were delivered to site and how scaffolding...
This video covers: The journey from Africa across the Atlantic and the appalling conditions suffered by the slaves on board ship
This video covers: Women's involvement in the Olympic Games and their own Heraia games.
This video covers: A look at people's reaction to the plague and how they dealt with it.
This video covers: Mary Seacole travel to and arrival in the Crimea.
This video covers:
A description of a legionary's spear and how it was used and recycled
This video covers:
A description of the brass box given to every serving soldier; it explains why and what the different boxes...
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This video covers: An eye witness account from Samuel Pepys of the Great Plague in London in 1665.
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This video covers: Catherine of Aragon’s reaction to being questioned with regard to her marriage to King Henry VIII
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This video covers: An introduction to Galen, his travels as a young man and the importance of Alexandria, Egypt.
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