Eras & Topics
This video covers:
A description of life in a munitions factory; the danger, the accidents, the camaraderie and of course, the gossip
This video covers: John Snow continues with a further extract of his essay on the Mode of Communication of Cholera 1854.
This video covers:
A description of the practicality of getting to the shops when, as a munitions worker, you work such long hours...
This video covers: An introduction to Ambroise Pare, his early career and his experience of treating wounds with boiling oil.
This video covers: A description of how Ambroise Pare found an alternative way to treat wounds.
This video covers: This is a lighthearted poem of the time about rationing and the introduction of a ticket system to go to the loo
This video covers: A brief explanation as to how Pasteur proved his germ theory.
This video covers:
A description of the brutal attack on Birmingham in 1643, led by Prince Rupert and his Royalist troops
This video covers: A description by Edward Jenner of the experiment he carried out to develop his vaccination against smallpox
This video covers: An explanation of a gemot, witan and a Hundred Court together with some of the punishments handed out to those...
This video covers: Rosa Parks explains how her protest and arrest prompted the Montgomery bus boycott which lasted for 381 days.