Eras & Topics
This video covers: How John Snow proved his theory of the spread of Cholera.
This video covers: John Snows investigation into the cause of the outbreak of Cholera.
This video covers: John Snow's continuing investigation into the cause of Cholera.
This video covers: The moment when John Snow presented findings to authorities and persuaded them to remove the handle from the...
This video covers: John Snow’s collaboration with the Reverend Henry Whitehead.
This video covers: How when first exploring medicine, Andreas Vesalius stole the body of a hanged criminal so that he could study...
This video covers: John Snow recites an extract of his essay on the Mode of Communication of Cholera 1854
This video covers: An explanation as to why Vesalius questioned Galen's accuracy and what he discovered when he was dissecting a...
This video covers: John Snow continues with a further extract of his essay on the Mode of Communication of Cholera 1854.
This video covers: A look at where Vesalius studied and how he came to publish the Fabric of the Human Body
This video covers: An introduction to Ambroise Pare, his early career and his experience of treating wounds with boiling oil.
This video covers: A description of how Ambroise Pare found an alternative way to treat wounds.
This video covers: A brief explanation as to how Pasteur proved his germ theory.
This video covers: A description by Edward Jenner of the experiment he carried out to develop his vaccination against smallpox