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2. WW1 - Going to Work & Conscription

60 second histories

This video covers: This video was made by the 2016 winner of My EPIC Era competition and is about the pre-war experiences of two Wycliffe College school boys.

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LEN: My parents sent me to London to earn my living when I finished school. I was quite excited by it all! RON: I’m now a boy clerk in the Post Office in London, I was looking forward to working there and earning my own way in life. LEN: I now work in an Estate Agent’s Office, we’ve all been talking about the rumours of war. Most of us don’t believe it. RON: I live in Kensington, London. I enjoy my life as a civil servant, the office that I work in has just become a savings bank and I am earning a good wage. LEN: I have heard that the Germans are getting ready for war, why else are they making guns, weapons and building a bigger army? RON: I met a new chap at work and we’ve become good friends, we both work as boy clerks. It’s great; we have a lot of fun. LEN: I have some new friends. On my first day at work I was quite confused about where I was to go, however - a lad, about my age, showed me the way to the article writer’s office… I was very grateful! There’s this new poster – “Your Country Needs You”, everyone is talking about it. RON: Other people who work with me are signing up as we’ve finally realised there is in fact going to be a war. I’m not sure if I should sign up? I wonder if it’s the same as Cadet Corps? Besides, if I do go I’ll probably come back a war hero!
School boys
Key words: 
WW1, World War I, World War I, WWI, My epic era, wycliffe, wycliffe college, conscription, Cadet Corps, KS3, key stage 3, key stage 3 history, secondary, KS3 videos, KS3 clips, KS3 history, KS3 videos, KS3 history film, KS3 history clip, WW1, World War I, World War One, World War 1, Y7, Y8, Y9, Year 7, year 8, year 9, 20thC, 20C, 20th Century, 20th C,